Monthly Archives: October 2009

Turning a new leaf

It’s been a year and a half since I last wrote on this blog, and I needed that time. I feel like I was beginning to gripe about clients without fully accepting where they were coming from, and the reason for some of that was because I was getting burned out at work. Not that my job was hard or really stressful, but it was monotonous. I was continually hearing naive things from PAPs, and my main supporter, my right-hand gal, had quit and moved away. So, I wasn’t tempered as before, and I could feel it, and I didn’t like it. I needed a break from the adoption scene, which included not only halting my blogging, but also leaving my job.

It’s been a little over a years since I said goodbye to adoption, and it was a well needed break. And now, I’m ready to get involved again. Except this time, I won’t be living and breathing adoption 24-7. This time I’ll only be thinking about it in my spare time, which is good and bad. It’s good because I can take a step back from it all and see the good stuff and try to temper myself. It’s bad though, because I no longer have my finger on the pulse of adoption.

With all this in mind, I’m going to turn off my previous posts for a while so I can re-read them, and decide which ones are really of any benefit and which ones are just complaining or in the least have no real substantive value.

I’m ready for the new journey that I think this blog will take me on, and I hope you’ll join me.